日本 BB LABORATORIES 活炭亮肌专业按摩面膜 290g
- 活炭亮肌专业按摩面膜打破传统洁肤后的干燥感,凝胶质感轻盈易推,配合按摩能轻易带走污垢废物.
- 多种美肌成分能回复肌肤紧致富弹性,强化屏障功能,同时注入保湿养分,肌肤焕然一新零负担!
- 活炭亮肌专业按摩面膜以四种洁肤成分互相配合,彻底洁净每寸肌肤,毛孔回复细致。
- 从具多孔性结构的木材所得之炭粉末,有卓越的净化功能,有效吸走皮脂污垢、灰尘及老化角质
- 山楂精华、药鼠尾草叶精华及薄荷叶精华,舒缓肌肤,抗菌抗炎,使肌肤重拾透亮
- 配方特别添加皇牌美容原液成分一胎盘素及透明质酸,激活细胞再生,美白去黄,同时高度保湿锁水。
- 金缕梅叶精华可紧致肌肤,收细毛孔及促进创伤修复;甘草酸二钾精华强化屏障功能以保护肌肤,防止发炎,减低过敏,淡淡的树木幽香令人感觉置身于大自然中,使心情放松。
- 适合油性及年青肌肤,深层净化同时赋予肌肤丝滑清透光泽。
- 洁面后,取适量按摩面膜涂抹脸上,避开眼周,由内至外,下至上打圈按摩约5-10分钟后,以清水洗净。
- 然后涂上原液、化妆水及面霜。
BB LABORATORIES PH Black Gel Massage Mask 290g
- Bb LABORATORIES PH Black Gel Massage Mask is light in texture that can easily remove dirt and residue with massaging.
- A variety of beauty skin ingredients used in the mask can restore skin firmness and elasticity, strengthen its function as a protective barrier, and at the same time infuse with moisturizing nutrients, leaving your skin moisturized, refreshed and burden-free!
How to use:
- After washing the face, take two to three pea-sized amounts and use both palms to apply the gel over the entire face in a massaging action.
- Rinse it off with water.
Product packaging, specifications and price are subject to change without notice. All information about the products on our website is provided for information purposes only. Please always read labels, warnings and directions provided with the product before use.
日本 BB LABORATORIES 活炭亮肌专业按摩面膜 290gBB LABORATORIES PH Black Gel Massage Mask 290g
SKU: 3127043961