日本BCL SABORINO早安面膜柠檬薄荷香有机植物保湿面膜 28sheets
- Saborino Botanical系列配合多种有机植物药草,不含酒精,不含油。
- 60秒完成洗颜+护肤+打底保湿。
- 早安面膜镇静肌肤,改善肌肤粗糙,收紧毛孔,清除因出汗皮脂过剩造成的肌肤平衡紊乱。
- 同时还滋润肌肤夏季使用这款早安面膜具有淡淡的柠檬柑橘香搭配薄荷和植物草药的丝丝凉爽,令人清爽一夏
- 小心地从包装中取出一张,让面膜完全覆盖你的脸。
- 确保将其展开而没有皱纹。
- 60 秒后,取下面膜,轻轻拍打脸部。
BCL SABORINO Botanical Lemon Mint Organic Plant Moisturizing Morning Mask 28pcs
- The Saborino Botanical range is formulated with a variety of organic botanical herbs that are alcohol-free and oil-free.
- 60 seconds to complete the face + skin care + base moisturizing.
- Good morning mask calms the skin, improves skin roughness, tightens pores, and removes skin balance disorders caused by excess sweating sebum.
- It also moisturizes the skin in the summer.
- This morning good mask has a touch of lemon citrus with mint and botanical herbs, which is refreshing and refreshing.
How to use:
- Carefully take out one sheet from the package, let the mask fully cover you face.
- Make sure to spread it out with no wrinkles.
- After 60 seconds, take the mask and gently pat around your face.
Product packaging, specifications and price are subject to change without notice. All information about the products on our website is provided for information purposes only. Please always read labels, warnings and directions provided with the product before use.
BCL SABORINO早安面膜柠檬薄荷香有机植物保湿面膜 Lemon Mint Organic Plant Moisturizing Morning Mask
SKU: 4515061188186
$19.99 Regular Price
$15.99Sale Price