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日本D.U.P 极细丝滑防水眼线液笔 深棕


  • D-UP最新極細0.1防水眼線筆終於來了!
  • 最新推出氣質深棕色,打造溫柔眼神!
  • 不管怎樣美麗的眼線都能輕鬆描繪,一整天保持最完美的狀態,不暈染不脫妝!
  • 防汗、防水、防淚,妝效持久,就像剛剛才畫好的一樣!
  • 顏色鮮明豔黑濃亮,瞬間速乾!
  • 使用色素不殘留成分,輕鬆就能卸除!
  • 5種美容液成分配合,呵護眼周肌膚,使眼妝更亮麗! 



  1. 于眼睫毛根部从眼中至眼尾以左右来回方式,画出眼尾1/3的眼线。
  2. 再从眼头画至眼中连接到后部1/3的眼线,若想加强眼线宽度可重复描绘2~3次。
  3. 越接近眼头的位置眼线画越细会越自然。
  4. 描绘后若发现有粉体附着在笔头请擦拭干净。
  5. 使用完毕后记得将盖子盖紧,避免内容物干掉。




D.U.P Silky Liquid WP Eyeliner Beauty Extracts Ultra Fine Brush Black Brown


  • D-UP Silky Liquid Eyeliner features and extra fine brush to draw a precise line effortlessly.
  • It dries quick and is smudge-proof, making it last all day long.
  • Ultra-smooth application.
  • Waterproof: strong resistant to water, sweat and sebum.
  • Contains beauty serums (5 kinds of moisturizing ingredients, including flower and fruit extracts, are blended)
  • No pigmentation: easily washable with face wash and colorants do not remain on the skin.


How to use:

  1. Gently lift the eyelid, apply the eyeliner from the middle to the end of your eyes.
  2. Then draw from middle to head of eyes.
  3. Adjust the curvature on the ends.



Product packaging, specifications and price are subject to change without notice. All information about the products on our website is provided for information purposes only. Please always read labels, warnings and directions provided with the product before use.

日本D.U.P 极细丝滑防水眼线液笔 深棕 D-UP Silky Liquid WP Eyeliner #BlackBrown

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