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日本 &HERB 植萃丰盈护发霜 3.0 160ml


  • &herb的概念在于通过关注头发的水分含量和水合平衡来提供最终的水分补充。
  • 传统的洗发水的水分含量为10%至12%,而&herb的水分含量为14%,创造了全新的水合作用水平,更重要的是保持了这种水分。
  • 因此,超过90%的成分是深层补水和补充成分,例如天然草药,芦荟,角鲨烷,正大种子和原始胶原蛋白。
  • 草药,芦荟提取物,角鲨烷,正大种子,迷迭香油,生胶原蛋白等,可补充水分 &herb的出色混合比例为40%迷迭香,35%洋甘菊和25%薰衣草,形成完美的草药配方 100%有机摩洛哥迷迭香油
  • 超过90%的成分是水合植物成分 补水并修复损伤,不需治疗。
  • 涂抹在以中端为中心的湿发或干发上。
  • 风干或吹干。
  • 欧洲小苍兰的香气



  1. 完成洗发程序后,取适量涂抹于发尾,不需再沖洗。




&HERB Moist Airy Hair Oil Cream 3.0 160ml


  • &herb's concept lies on providing an ultimate moisture replenishment by focusing on hair's moisture level and hydration balance.
  • With traditional shampoos having a 10-12% moisture level, &herb boasts a 14% moisture level creating a whole new level of hydration, and more importantly sustaining this moisture.
  • As a result, over 90% of ingredients are deep hydrating and replenishing ingredients such as natural herbs, aloe, squalane, chia seed and raw collagen.


How to use:

  1. After taking an appropriate amount and extending it, apply it around the hair tip and apply it.



Product packaging, specifications and price are subject to change without notice. All information about the products on our website is provided for information purposes only. Please always read labels, warnings and directions provided with the product before use.

日本 &HERB 植萃丰盈护发霜 3.0 160ml &HERB Moist Airy Hair Oil Cream 3.0 160ml

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