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日本 &HONEY 蒂花子蜂蜜洗发水 1.0 430ml


  • 着重于头发水分含量14%的保水有机美容洗发精。
  • 90%以上采用蜂蜜、有机精油与蜂王浆等保湿& 呵护成分构成,从发芯到发尾皆充满水润感。



  1. 先挤出适当分量在掌心,搓揉出泡沫后,就可均匀按摩至头发上(从头顶开始到发尾)。
  2. 可以把它停留在发丝数分钟后才冲水。




& HONEY Deep Moisture Shampoo 1.0 430ml


  • Water retention organic shampoo that focuses in keeping the 14% water content in the hair.
  • More than 90% of the product contains honey and organic oil, royal jelly and a variety of moisturizers and ingredients that will protect the hair from the core.
  • With 100% Moroccan Organic Oil. No additives & chemicals free.


How To Use :

  1. Completely saturate your hair with warm, not hot, water.
  2. Squirt a small amount of shampoo into the palm of your hand.
  3. Apply it to your scalp and massage until it lathers.
  4. Work the shampoo through your hair, but pay the most attention to the scalp.
  5. Rinse your hair and scalp completely.



Product packaging, specifications and price are subject to change without notice. All information about the products on our website is provided for information purposes only. Please always read labels, warnings and directions provided with the product before use.

日本 &HONEY 蒂花子蜂蜜洗发水 1.0 430ml &HONEY Deep Moisture Shampoo 1.0 430ml

庫存單位: 3024025321
$24.99 一般價格
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