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日本HOUSE OF ROSE OH!BABY 蚕丝精华身体去角质磨砂膏 570g



  • House of Rose是日本近年来非常畅销的身体护理品牌。
  • 产品主打纯天然植物花果提取,温和无刺激与高性价比。
  • 这款磨砂膏获得cosme大赏身体护理类第二名,
  • 范冰冰推荐~也是很多爱美人士的爱用之物。
  • 使用后轻轻按摩全身,魔法般的吸收粒子去除多余角质,令皮肤光滑白嫩。
  • 用温泉水的三种成分:硫酸钠,碳酸氢钠,碳酸钙钠制成,
  • 磨砂非常细腻,不会伤害娇嫩肌肤,轻松去除顽固老旧角质,让皮肤水润光滑,充满透明感。
  • 配合蚕丝精华,大小不同的磨砂粒子能够更好的在肌肤上按摩,
  • 令肌肤触感像丝绸一般顺滑。
  • 使用独家的生产方法并配合盐制作,适合全身使用,硬度适中,
  • 每一颗磨沙都形状圆润,颗粒极细,不会在磨的过程中划伤皮肤,冲洗后皮肤特别柔滑。



  1. 一周1-2次
  2. 使用浴液清洗过身体后,将磨砂膏挖出少量至于掌中,加点水慢慢调和,涂抹于全身,
  3. 然后轻轻按摩,肌肤随着磨砂的滚动变得滑腻起来,最后用水冲洗全身。
  4. 肘臂膝盖等部位可稍微用力,重点按摩。
  5. 之后一定要及时给肌肤涂抹身体乳或爽肤水等补水哦。



HOUSE OF ROSE OH BABY Body Smoother 570g


  • There are three kinds of scrub made of ingredients contained in hot springs.
  • It gently removes extra horny matter by doing massage, and slips and smooths the skin.
  • I am making it by hand salt We make it with our own production method to give just "good hardness of grain" and "viscosity of paste".
  • We care about temperature control according to the season, making it by hand salt.
  • Immediately realize, feel like a habit!
  • Exquisite balance of grains of different sizes and point that softens at body temperature around 37 ℃ is the point.
  • With the skin-friendly scrub, I sticked to the feeling of use and effect feeling.


How to use:

  1. After rinsing your body with water, just take some Oh! Baby and massage it all over your body.
  2. Pay more attention to knees, elbows and shoulders as these areas are more prone to skin roughness.
  3. It is a lot gentler to sensitive skin than most body scrubs which tend to use salt or sugar grains.
  4. It’s super easy to wash off as it’s not oily or gooey.
  5. Use it daily and watch your skin become softer, smoother and your body will absorb moisturisers more readily.



Product packaging, specifications and price are subject to change without notice. All information about the products on our website is provided for information purposes only. Please always read labels, warnings and directions provided with the product before use.

HOUSE OF ROSE OH!BABY 蚕丝精华身体去角质磨砂膏 570g HOUSE OF ROSE OH BABY Body Smoother 570g

庫存單位: 3025022981
$59.99 一般價格
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