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日本ISEHAN伊势半 Kiss Me奇士美 美姬睫毛膏浓密新版 #漆黑色 6g


  • 超级增稠和丰盈效果。
  • 包含体积单独的粉末。
  • 上翘的睫毛继续与强大的卷曲锁保持卷曲一整天!
  • 超级防水睫毛膏,持久一整天。
  • 非常滋养睫毛,再结合轻羽睫毛膏薄膜科技,更加防水防油抗晕染,浓密效果提升130%,重复擦拭也不容易变成苍蝇腿。



  1. 用刷子的中心部分从底部提起睫毛,然后用刷子末端微调和塑造。
  2. 继续向上涂抹而不沿“Z”方向移动以获得明确的效果。
  3. 为了获得更好的效果,请事先使用睫毛夹,并在涂抹的睫毛膏变干之前涂抹额外的涂层。




ISEHAN Kiss Me Heroine Make Volume & Curl Advanced Film Waterproof Mascara #DeepBlack 6g


  • 1 day powerful curl lock
  • Super waterproof
  • Fiber-in and pure black mascara so curl your eyelash will stay long sweatproof, waterproof, grease and even tear proof self-curl mascara
  • Eyelashes liquid cosmetics ingredients Camellia oil, royal jelly extract, argan oil, wild rose oil (eyelashes protection ingredients)



  1. Comb eyelashes with eyelash brush then curl up eyelashes with lash curler.
  2. Take out the mascara brush.
  3. Brush your eyelashes outwards and horizontally.
  4. Brush the outer side of eyelashes first then the inner side for curly eyelashes.
  5. Apply the second layer if necessary.
  6. Reapply after the previous layer dries.
  7. Tidy up with eyelash brush.



Product packaging, specifications and price are subject to change without notice. All information about the products on our website is provided for information purposes only. Please always read labels, warnings and directions provided with the product before use.

日本 ISEHAN伊势半 Kiss Me奇士美 美姬睫毛膏浓密新版#漆黑色 6g Heroine Make Volume & Curl Mascara

庫存單位: 3023026081
$22.99 一般價格
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