花王Curél 润浸保湿淡纹精华40克
- 独有的「角质渗透层状锁水配方」能为肌肤长效补水并将水分锁紧于肌肤底层,预防干燥问题恶化并改善幼纹。
- 植物性细致肌肤成分,有效让肌肤紧致细嫩,水润有弹性。
- 蕴含「润浸保湿Ceramide功能成分」及桉树精华能深入渗透至角质层,让肌肤回复高密度水润状态,有效抗御外来刺激。
- 啫喱质地柔润且容易吸收,令肌肤用后感觉清爽水润。
- 请在使用化妆水调理肌肤后,乳液或乳霜等之前使用本品。
- 取适量(直径约1.3cm的圆)轻轻涂抹于整个脸部。
- 对于干燥、粗糙、小细纹等特别在意的部位,请反复仔细涂抹。
KAO CUREL Wrinkle Moisture Essence 40g
- Plant extract firming functioning ingredients can make skin firm, moisture and elastic.
- Intensive Moisture Ceramide functioning ingredients and Eucalyptus extract penetrate deeply into the stratum comeum, keep skin moisturized and resistant to external irritation.
- Gel form soft and easy to absorb, give you watery feeling.
How to use:
- Apply gently around 1.3cm in diameter amount even apply on skin, especially to dry fine line area until penetrate well.
- Suggest to use it with Curel moisture lotion and use it before moisture milk or cream to ensure the best effect in moisturizing or reducing fine line .
- When apply around eye area, be careful not to rub excessively.
Product packaging, specifications and price are subject to change without notice. All information about the products on our website is provided for information purposes only. Please always read labels, warnings and directions provided with the product before use.
花王Curél 润浸保湿淡纹精华40克 KAO CUREL Wrinkle Moisture Essence 40g
SKU: 3022033991