日本KAO花王 CUREL珂润浸润保湿卸妆啫喱 130g
- 彻底洁净藏于毛孔内的粉底、唇膏等污垢,同时保护肌肤内的天然保湿元素「细胞间脂质」,有效预防干燥问题恶化。
- 柔软的卸妆啫喱能轻易卸除妆容,无需过度用力搓揉,减少引起肌肤敏感
- 冲洗后感觉舒爽洁净,绝无黏腻感,提升肌肤自我防御能力,舒缓因肌肤干燥引起的不适。
- 为干燥性敏感肌肤考虑设计的低刺激性保湿卸妆啫喱。
- 内含滋润修复成分神经酰胺,随着卸妆渗透角质深层。
- 有助提升肌肤自身抵御外来刺激的能力,保持肌肤润泽。
- 另外,添加从植物中提取的美白有效成分(Chamomilla ET 母菊萃取物),能够抑制黑色素生成防止色斑雀斑,令肌肤焕发水润透明感。
- 凝胶啫喱状,质地比蜂蜜粘稠,无需用力揉搓即可轻松涂抹开。
- 触感非常温和,卸妆时乳化迅速彻底。
- 洗后无粘腻触感和彩妆残留,可充分洗净,
- 舒爽不油腻,肌肤清透无厚重压迫感。
- 含消炎成分,有效防止肌肤粗糙。
- 弱酸性、无香料、无色素、无酒精(不添加乙醇),完成过敏性测试。
- 适合于皮肤粗糙、经常化妆、肤质暗沉、易起痘痘的人群使用。
- 取一元硬币大小的啫喱在脸上轻推按摩,等彩妆充分溶解后,
- 以清水乳化彻底洗净即可。
- 之后再进行后续洁面。
KAO Make Up Remover Gel 130g
- Designed specifically for dry, sensitive skin, the mild and silky Curél Makeup Cleansing Gel gently and thoroughly removes makeup from deep within the pores while hydrating the skin.
- It softly cleanses away impurities while protecting the natural ceramides from being washed off the skin.
How to use:
- Use on dry face.
- Apply a cherry size amount of Curél® Makeup Cleansing Gel to dry hands and gently massage into the dry skin in a circular motion allowing the mild and silky cleanser to lift oil-based impurities from deep inside the pores.
- To remove eye makeup, gently smooth over eyelids from top to bottom.
- Then lift eyelashes and move fingers in a zig-zag motion.
- Rinse off thoroughly.
Product packaging, specifications and price are subject to change without notice. All information about the products on our website is provided for information purposes only. Please always read labels, warnings and directions provided with the product before use.
日本KAO花王 CUREL珂润浸润保湿卸妆啫喱 130g KAO Make Up Remover Gel 130g
SKU: 3022053711