日本KOBAYASHI小林制药 黑9 顶级角膜修复洗眼液 500ml
- 长期带隐形眼镜、上班长时间面对电脑、玩游戏、看电视,这些都会伤害到你的眼睛,让你眼干眼涩眼疲劳,红血丝遍布,然后角膜炎接踵而至。
- 这款洗眼液,含有角膜保护成分,能够帮助缓解角膜受损现象,配合维生素缓解眼部疲劳
- 另外还有杀菌消炎,预防眼部疾病的效果。
- 此款凉度适中。
- 带有计量控制容器,使用方便,每次15秒左右即可。
- 注意换眼清洗时要同时更换洗眼液,且不要与他人交叉使用。
- 将洗眼液倒入洗眼杯内。
- 将杯子压在眼睛上。
- 将杯子压在眼睛上后,将头向后仰面朝上,以免液体溢出。
- 眨眼数次以清洗眼睛。
- 彻底清洗并擦干使用过的杯子。
- 一天3-6次,清洗时请使用 5 mL 的洗眼液。
KOBAYASHI Eyebon Medical Eye Wash 500ml
- Dirts can be washed out with nine kinds of active ingredient blended chemicals to prevent eye diseases
- Medical.
- Add nine active ingredients good for eye health, Orange's medicine works to clean up the dirt on the eyes worked one day and prevent eye diseases.
- It is a refreshing washing feeling to the eyed tired one day by contact.
How to use:
- Put the chemical solution up to the line inside the eye washing cup.
- Press the cup against your eyes.
- With the cup pressed against your eyes, turn your head back and face upwards so that the liquid does not spill.
- Blink several times to wash your eyes.
- Wash and dry the used cup thoroughly.
- 1 day 3 to 6 times, please eyewash by using a once 5mL
Product packaging, specifications and price are subject to change without notice. All information about the products on our website is provided for information purposes only. Please always read labels, warnings and directions provided with the product before use.
日本KOBAYASHI小林制药 黑9 顶级角膜修复洗眼液 500ml KOBAYASHI Eyebon Medical Eye Wash 500ml
SKU: 3022039891
$36.99 Regular Price
$19.99Sale Price