日本KRACIE嘉娜宝 ICHIKAMI 女发双重保湿洗发精 200ml
- 新添加杏桃油、山茶花精华,保湿效果再升級,让发丝持须健康柔韌有彈性。
- 含米元素精华EX、櫻花萃取精华、黑米萃取精华、山茶花精油、鳶尾、无患子精华等修補滋潤成分,给予秀发與頭皮深层潤澤,防止因乾燥而造成分岔等受損問題,让秀发不再毛躁。
- 高雅櫻花香中帶有微微清甜杏桃气息,令人陶醉。
- 先挤出适当分量在掌心,搓揉出泡沫后,就可均匀按摩至头发上(从头顶开始到发尾)。
- 可以把它停留在发丝数分钟后才冲水。
KRACIE Ichikami Moisturizing Shampoo 200ml
- Is also getting dust leads to bubbles, gently wrapped and filled with moisture hair shampoo is. NET / Union grass premium extract.
- Replenish shine and moisture damage in lost.
- Prevents damage due to moisture retention, dry hair and scalp.
- Bittersweet sweet apricots and elegant cherry blossom scent (scent of cherry blossoms 3 minutes).
- 100% Authentic Item
- Made in Japan
How To Use :
- Completely saturate your hair with warm, not hot, water.
- Squirt a small amount of shampoo into the palm of your hand.
- Apply it to your scalp and massage until it lathers.
- Work the shampoo through your hair, but pay the most attention to the scalp.
- Rinse your hair and scalp completely.
Product packaging, specifications and price are subject to change without notice. All information about the products on our website is provided for information purposes only. Please always read labels, warnings and directions provided with the product before use.
日本KRACIE嘉娜宝 ICHIKAMI 女发双重保湿洗发精 200ml KRACIE Ichikami Moisturizing Shampoo 200ml
庫存單位: 3024011121