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日本MANDOM曼丹 BARRIER REPAIR 高浸透毛孔细致玻尿酸面膜 单片装


  • 主要采用高渗透玻尿酸作为保湿成分同时具有紧致肌肤细化毛孔的作用,比较适合油性肌肤和需要细化毛孔的人群。
  • 此款面贴膜含有渗透性极佳的透明质酸和(卵磷脂氢氧化等)等保湿成分,营养滋润的浓稠精华液能很好地渗透入肌肤并给与肌肤补充水分。
  • 能给与干燥肌肤充分补水调整肌肤肌理,使肌肤光滑水嫩。
  • 渗透性极佳的高浓度精华液能更好地渗入角质层深处给与肌肤补充水分,持久保湿。
  • 敷在脸上低头往下看也不容易自由脱落,面膜纸柔软舒适,贴合效果十分好。
  • 不含防腐剂!
  • 不含香料!
  • 不含色素!
  • 采用高渗透玻尿酸作为保湿成分,同时精华液是三款里最少的,只有22ml。
  • 同时兼具收缩毛孔和补充胶原蛋白弹力紧实肌肤的作用。
  • 使用中会感觉有一点点淡淡的香味,为天然植物保湿成分本身的味道。
  • 推荐油性肌肤人使用。



  1. 洁面后,敷上面膜约5-10分钟(干燥肌肤可敷15-20分钟)。
  2. 取下面膜,将剩余的护肤精华涂匀脸上(脖子、手、肘都行,不浪费)。
  3. 敷完之后,建议再使用乳液或者乳霜加强保养。




MANDOM Barrier RePair Facial Mask with Hyaluronic Acid 1sheet


  • Contains hyaluronic acid: powerful moisturizing ingredients, excellent water retention capacity, moisturizing and smoothing skin.
  • The beauty lotion with a hydro-gel texture makes the mask more sticky.
  • The beauty lotion does not evaporate easily, effectively retains the skin's moisture, moisturizes and moisturizes for a long time, and has a delicate touch like baby skin.
  • Mild nature: no added coloring, no mineral oil, and passed the skin allergy test


How to use:

  1. After cleansing, apply the mask for about 10-15 minutes.
  2. Take off the mask and massage the remaining skin care essence on your face.
  3. A piece of mask can already provide enough moisture, if necessary, you can apply a face cream or other moisturizing products.
  4. Can be used every day.



Product packaging, specifications and price are subject to change without notice. All information about the products on our website is provided for information purposes only. Please always read labels, warnings and directions provided with the product before use.

MANDOM曼丹 BARRIER REPAIR 高浸透毛孔细致玻尿酸面膜 单片装 Facial Mask with Hyaluronic Acid 1sheet

SKU: 3127003041
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