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日本MENARD美伊娜多 AUTHENT香水 50ml


  • 以经典花香为基调,香气优雅上质,烘托出女性柔美而不造作的气息。
  • 与位于法国香水文化起源地-葛拉斯、历史悠久的SHALABO香水公司通力合作



  1. 首先将香水分别喷于左右手腕静脉处,双手中指及无名指轻触对应手腕静脉处,随后轻触双耳后侧、后颈部。
  2. 轻拢头发,并于发尾处停留稍久
  3. 双手手腕轻触相对应的手肘内侧
  4. 使用喷雾器将香水喷于腰部左右两侧。
  5. 左右手指分别轻触腰部喷香处,然后用沾有香水的手指轻触大腿内侧、左右腿膝盖内侧、脚踝内侧。






  • Natural essential oils from two world famous roses, orange flower, and violets used in French court culture were added to ambrette-seed oil

  • to create a subtle yet deep scent that gives elegance and grace, and exudes femininity. This note is expressed by our company as “floral bouquet natural.”

  • This is a natural essential oil extracted from seeds of the ablemoschus moschatus medik plant, which is in the same group as the hibiscus.

How to use:

  1. Hold fragrance away from your body.( will want to be at least 5-7 inches away from your chest/body. )
  2. Rather than walking through a cloud of perfume mist, direct the spray exactly at the "pulse points." 
  3. rub gently in a small circle.
  4. Let your "pulse point" dry without rubbing it(at least ten minutes).



Product packaging, specifications and price are subject to change without notice. All information about the products on our website is provided for information purposes only. Please always read labels, warnings and directions provided with the product before use.

日本MENARD美伊娜多 AUTHENT香水 50ml MENARD AUTHENT Perfume 50ml

SKU: 3023083711
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