日本PDC 酒粕面膜酒糟亮白嫩肤片装 10枚入
- 酒粕主要针对暗沉、发黄、色素沉淀以及皮肤不够透亮的肤质。
- 敷完会让肤色亮白一度,告别暗沉。
- 使用阿苏山的天然泉水和酒米作为原料,运用古代制酒的独特做法 形成日本酒的精华(酒粕)超级温和,敏感肌也能用。
- 在补水美白同时能增加肌肤透明感,添加了黄瓜精华,米糠酿酒技术,酒糟是来自熊本县的天然酒糟和酵母,有助于软化角质的同时帮助皮肤滋润亮白,还有收敛毛孔效果。
- 这款新出的PDC贴片式酒粕面膜,一包10片, 密封条设计,面膜纸属于薄的。
- 这款更着重于保湿。
- 每周2-3次,补水保湿 改善暗沉 美白提亮
- 酒粕面膜主要针对黯沉发黄的肌肤,用后会有一点透亮感 有去角质,美白肌肤,提亮肤色的效果。
- 清洁脸后,再使用爽肤水后,敷上面膜大概10-15分钟,再把剩下的面膜精华液涂抹全脸即可。
PDC Sake Brightening Mask 10pcs
- To simply and easily full-fledged lees beauty regimen can enjoy, sheet mask.
- It was extracted from lees of Kumamoto Prefecture Kawazu brewing, blending the original sake lees extract.
- It leads to Motchiri clear, and go skin wrapped in the moisture of the lees.
- It is very thick sheet mask impregnated tightly the sake lees extract.
- Helps you to restore smooth and radiant skin!
- The Sake lees essence is made with the rice called“Autumn Color”grown in Kyushu, Japan, and the natural spring water, which can deeply nourishes the skin and locks in water for a long time.
- Rich in nutrients and moisture to improve the rough skin, remove aging skin and melanin, and make the skin smoother and radiant.
- The three-layered mask has a thick texture and is softly and adhesive, so that the essence can penetrate deeply into the skin and the effect is even more pronounced.
How to use:
- After cleansing, lightly wipe the face with a towel.
- Apply the mask, wait for 5-10 minutes.
- Then remove it, gently massage the face to help the essence fully absorbed.
Product packaging, specifications and price are subject to change without notice. All information about the products on our website is provided for information purposes only. Please always read labels, warnings and directions provided with the product before use.
日本PDC 酒粕面膜酒糟亮白嫩肤片装 10枚入 PDC Sake Brightening Mask 10pcs
SKU: 3127015911
$19.99 Regular Price
$14.99Sale Price