日本PITTA MASK 防雾霾花粉过敏口罩 儿童 #粉黄蓝 3枚
- 专门针对儿童开发的形状,适合儿童的尺寸。
- 不易产生缝隙,不易位移,更好的保护孩子。
- 有趣的3色装,可变身英雄或公主的配饰。
- 柔软,佩戴时耳朵不会疼。
- 采用日本高科技新型材料—聚氨酯防过敏材料制造而成,可以过滤空气中的微小颗粒,这是一种新兴的有机高分子材料,荣获2014年日本发明金奖和全球10大创新发明。
- 因其超强的性能被广泛运用在航空航天等高精尖领域。
- 与普通口罩使用多层叠加来构建立体网状结构阻断粉尘的原理不同。
- PITTA口罩使用的聚氨酯材料本身就是一个三维立体网状结构,再经过精密的加工缝制,形成一个高密度的粉尘阻断空间。
- 粉尘阻断率达到惊人的99%,对花粉,感冒病毒,灰尘都有超强防御力。
- 这款口罩经过ARAX的研究,将聚氨酯的虹膜去除,在不破坏阻断性的同时增加透气性,良好的透气性很适合春夏季佩戴,即使长时间佩戴也不会缺氧或气短。
- 3D立体裁剪贴合面部,细纤维海绵材质柔软亲肤,戴起来无异物感,不勒耳朵。
- 打开包装,确定好口罩的上下方向。
- 左右打开,挂在耳朵上,然后整理好即可。
- 此款口罩非一次性,可水洗3到8次。
- 不管是哪种类型的口罩都不提倡用太久,容易滋生细菌。
PITTA MASK Kids Size Sweet Colorful 3sheet
- Washable times increased from 3 times to 5 times.
- Addition of antibacterial processing The mask is processed with an inorganic antibacterial agent to inhibits the growth of bacteria attached to the mask surface.
- Individual packaging design with branding The brand logo printed on individual packaging to strengthen branding
- Slight changes on packaging design Included JHPIA logo on outer packaging to show that the product comply with JHPIA standard of safety and hygiene.
- The award-winning Pitta Mask is part of a trend in Japan for wearing surgical-style face masks that protect you (and also protect others when you are sick), but still retain a fashionable look.
- Coming in a pack of three, Pitta Mask offers a three-dimensional structure that aligns better with the contours of your face to capture 99% of pollen in its innovative soft-stretch polyurethane materials that allows higher air permeability for easy breathing.
- Unlike most masks which are disposable, the durable Pitta Mask can be washed up to 3-5 times and reused.
How To Use :
1. Open mask from side to side and check the correct direction.
2. Stretch and hook the holes to both ears
3. Gently press the mask on face to adhere tightly
* Please dry in shade after hand wash
Product packaging, specifications and price are subject to change without notice. All information about the products on our website is provided for information purposes only. Please always read labels, warnings and directions provided with the product before use.
日本PITTA MASK 防雾霾花粉过敏口罩 儿童 #粉黄蓝 3枚 PITTA MASK Kids Size Sweet Colorful 3sheet
SKU: 3028070501
$11.99 Regular Price
$9.99Sale Price