日本ROHTO乐敦 Melano CC 维他命C高渗透美白淡斑祛痘印面膜 20片
- 乐敦ROHTO 渗透维他命C美白祛斑保湿面膜~
- 5分钟唤醒透亮美肌,可以保湿肌肤滋润,清新香味,淡化痘印。
- 添加亮白维C,帮助抑制色素沉着,亮白肤色。
- 添加滋润维E,使肌肤触感柔软,维护肌肤健康。
- 添加草豆蔻提取物,滋润提亮,提升肌肤透明感。
- 配合葡萄柚果提取物,帮助抑制色素沉着,亮白肌肤。
- 面膜精华轻薄不厚重,敷完肌肤清爽舒适。
- 含有维生素C配方浸透感美容液,能渗透入痘印斑点内部,肌肤从内而外散发透亮光彩。
- 美白有效成分维他命C配方+血液循环促进成分维他命E诱导体,两种维生素渗入角质层深处,抑制黑色素生成防止痘印斑点。
- 美白晒后修复同时具有含有抗菌消炎成分,预防痘痘和粉刺,减少痘痘和粉刺所产生的疤痕。
- 晚上于洁面、化妆水后使用,先自袋中取出面膜片,
- 展开后左右拉一下,依脸型贴合。
- 静敷约5分钟后取下,将脸部残留之美容液轻轻推匀抹开,
- 然后再用乳液,面霜之类。
- 每天都能可以使用。
Rohto Mentholatum Melano CC Whitening Face Mask
- The Essence with vitamins C and E, Lemon Extract, Grapefruit Extract is specially formulated to treat and prevent after sun skin dryness,dark spots &freckles and skin redness .
- Contains vitamin C derivative (moisturizing ingredient) and vitamin E derivative (moisturizing ingredient).
- A beauty mask that contains plenty of beauty essence ingredients.
- Uses a 100% natural cotton sheet that easily fits on the skin and has excellent adhesion.
- The beauty essence component penetrates deep into the stratum corneum, giving it moisture.
- Recommended for intensive moisturizing care when you are concerned about dry skin, such as after being exposed to ultraviolet rays.
- A refreshing citrus scent.
- Box type that is easy to take out.
- Large capacity 20 sheets included.
How to use:
- After cleansing and using lotion, apply the mask to your face and gently press against the face.
- After 5 minutes and remove the mask, gently massage to let the essence is completely absorbed.
Product packaging, specifications and price are subject to change without notice. All information about the products on our website is provided for information purposes only. Please always read labels, warnings and directions provided with the product before use.
ROHTO 乐敦 Melano CC 维他命C高渗透美白淡斑祛痘印面膜 20片 Mentholatum Whitening Face Mask 20sheets
SKU: 3127002511