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日本 SEVEN BREAK 7 强效外用瘦脸霜 200g


  • 凝胶质地,易吸收,补水滋润,
  • 促进脂肪燃烧,加速新陈代谢,
  • 改善皮肤水肿、松弛,
  • 全方位瘦脸,双下巴,法令纹,肌肉下垂,嚼肌等,塑造脸型。
  • 15岁以上任何肌肤都可用,敏感肌肤也适用。
  • 淡淡薄荷味道。



  1. 首先将面部彻底清洁干净,之后再涂抹瘦脸霜。
  2. 早晚使用或1天数次,直接涂抹于脸部,画圈按摩至吸收干爽。
  3. 涂完瘦脸霜并按摩5到8分钟后,接着就可以去洗脸了,把残留的瘦脸霜洗掉,之后进行后续护理。







  1. 取适量产品于掌心抹开,由脸部中央向外涂抹,
  2. 覆盖额头、脸颊和下巴,避开眼部,双手交替从下巴处向太阳穴提拉肌肤,反复5次。
  3. 按摩时,从下巴向上推,不能向下推,会令肌肤松弛。
  4. 使用瘦脸霜时候必须要配合按摩手法,可以配合日本非常有名的田中按摩法,效果是最理想的。




SEVEN BREAK Gel For Face 200g


  • Seven Break gel Face Line Program Gel 200g is a product claims to get face slim in just 7 days.
  • That's why it quickly become extremely popular in Japan and Asia.
  • Contains hot pepper & caffeine extraction, helps to burn away excess fat and firming effect.
  • Except its loosing weight feature, hyaluronic acid ingredient also include in Seven Breakgel, which offer your face line keep moisture and smooth.


How to use :

  1. Cleanse and dry your face.
  2. Massage it until it is absorbed and follow by daily skincare.
  3. Take proper amount of gel in hand, put on your face, gentle massage and leave it about 5-10 minutes.
  4. Wash by water or warm water.


* Please avoid when you get allergy from ingredients.*



Product packaging, specifications and price are subject to change without notice. All information about the products on our website is provided for information purposes only. Please always read labels, warnings and directions provided with the product before use.

日本 SEVEN BREAK 7 强效外用瘦脸霜 200g SEVEN BREAK Gel For Face 200g

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