韩国SOMANG 指甲花天然护发素 720ml
- 物性指甲花提取物在头发表层形成保护膜,修护受损头发,提供充分的水分及营养成分,让秀发更加健康亮丽.
- 它能更有效的滋润头发,使受损发质得到充分的修护滋养。如果你还在用润发乳,现在可以试用这款--SOMANG多娜娴-新一代天然指甲花深层护发膜。
- 内含指甲花萃取物,能修护受损头发,提供水分和养分。
- 能预防头发干燥使头发顺滑,给容易断裂分岔、枯糙的毛发提供修护的营养,让秀发恢复柔软亮丽。
- 适合经常吹、整、染、烫而受损分岔的头发,提供您发丝的滋养保护膜,增强头发湿度和光泽,让头发更加健康滑顺好梳理。
- 洗发后取适量于掌心(可依个人发质及发量调整),从发尾轻柔的往上涂抹。
- 轻轻按摩头发发丝,亦可搭配热毛巾使用增加效果。
- 停留15-20分后温水洗净即可
SOMANG Henna Hair Conditioner 720ml
- Henna is a plant that grows naturally in the siuthwest asia regions including india and pakistan,and regions of midle east.
- It‘s used by drying the leaves in the sun and finely grinding into powder.
- It's been used for hair care since ancient times.
- When henna oil used on the hairnlawsonia of Henna comnines with the keratin of the hair.
- It's covers the cuticle layer and gives lustre&elasticity to the hair and minimise the hair damange from external environment factors.
How to use:
After shampoo, apply a small amount to your wettish hair and massage lightly.
Rinse off with water.
Leave on about 2~3 minutes for extremely damaged hair.
Product packaging, specifications and price are subject to change without notice. All information about the products on our website is provided for information purposes only. Please always read labels, warnings and directions provided with the product before use.
韩国SOMANG 指甲花天然护发素 720ml SOMANG Henna Hair Conditioner 720ml
庫存單位: 3024011661