日本 TAKAMI 小蓝瓶肌底代谢美容水 30ml
- 质地相当清爽,吸收非常好,可以帮助软化角质,从根本上帮助肌肤获得自我修护的能力,拥有了理想的角质层,不仅内在的皮肤代谢正常,肤质状态也会得到明显的改善。
- 角质软化精华美容液30ml毛孔粗大、黑头严重、闭口粉刺不但收缩毛孔,去除黑头,更被称为去闭口痘痘神器。
- 提高肌肤代谢能力通过软化角质来促进后续护肤成分吸收渗透
- 是软化角质采用健康植物原料(含有苹果提取物,柠檬果汁提取物山楂提取物,葡萄柚果实精华)用先进的冷凝萃取技术萃取植物中的植物精华成分软化角质,修复受损细胞
- 修复皮肤肌肤在受紫外线损伤后通过不用剥除受损角质层的方法来修复受损屏障维持健康肌肤的正常代谢
- 改善痘痘闭口可以抑制毛孔分泌多于的油脂将角质化的毛孔正常化缩小毛孔
- 无酒精无人造色素,无香料,无着色质地温和不刺激敏感肌和孕妇都可以使用
- 它的质地和水差不多,无色无味也丝毫没有粘腻感涂在肌肤上有种渗透感一直延伸至肌肤深处感觉每个毛孔都在疯狂喝水
- 在滴管上取出以刻度为分界线的美容水。
- 洁面后,轻轻按摩均匀涂抹于面部
- 等待 3 分钟至完全吸收,然后继续常规护肤程序
TAKAMI Skin Peel Lotion 30ml
- A daily, gentle exfoliating lotion that helps promote cell turnover to smooth, brighten, and even the appearance of rough, dull-looking skin.
- The lightweight, spreadable lotion is perfect for even the oiliest skin types and will reduce the appearance of enlarged pores, fights against acne and blackheads without drying or irritating.
- Also assists in improved absorption of serums and moisturizers.
- 30ml / 1 fl.oz
How to Use:
- Use daily, morning and night, to maximize results.
- Apply to clean, dry skin, pressing gently and evenly into skin until the lotion has soaked in.
- Leave on for 3 minutes to maximize results, then follow with toner/lotion.
Product packaging, specifications and price are subject to change without notice. All information about the products on our website is provided for information purposes only. Please always read labels, warnings and directions provided with the product before use.
日本 TAKAMI 小蓝瓶肌底代谢美容水 30ml TAKAMI Skin Peel Lotion 30ml
庫存單位: 3022107071