日本UTENA 黄金级双效蜂王乳果冻面膜 3片装
- 含有双重玻尿酸因子,添加抗衰老成分,富含超浓厚美容液精华,不仅保持皮肤弹性功能,还能锁住大量水分子,对肌肤组织具有保湿润滑作用,使肌肤饱满年轻有弹性。
- 含有角鲨烷及8种氨基酸成分,深层调理肌肤。
- 另外当中的蜂王浆和海藻糖浆保湿因子,蜂王浆中含有丰富的维生素和蛋白质,可增加肌肤弹性,抵制外界伤害
- 含超浓密双重透明质酸精华液,充分浸透至全脸肌肤为肌肤注入水分,特别适合皮肤干燥及容易敏感的人。
- 有效抑制黑色素形成,同时增加肌肤弹性,使肌肤变得明亮、细腻。
- 皮肤吸满水分后,可改善油脂分泌过多的情况。
- 无合成香料、着色料、矿物油、硅油和酒精,让你安心使用。
- 洗净后,用爽肤水调理肌肤。
- 将片状面膜均匀涂抹在脸上。
- 10-20分钟后取下面膜纸,轻轻拍打剩余的精华。
UTENA Premium Puresa Golden Jelly Mask 3pcs
- Golden jelly prescription of jelly mask.
- For Aging Care.
- Two types of royal jelly (moisturizing) and Squalane,Ceramide 8 types of amino acidsis mixed into this facial mask.
- Six free prescription,Synthetic fragrances / artificial coloring / mineral oil / alcohol / animal-derived raw materials / ultraviolet absorber additive-free
How to use:
- After washing, prepare skin with toner.
- Apply sheet mask evenly on your face.
- Remove the mask sheet after 10-20 minutes later and gently pat the remaining essence.
Product packaging, specifications and price are subject to change without notice. All information about the products on our website is provided for information purposes only. Please always read labels, warnings and directions provided with the product before use.
日本UTENA 黄金级双效蜂王乳果冻面膜 3片装 UTENA Premium Puresa Golden Jelly Mask 3pcs
SKU: 3127021711
$12.99 Regular Price
$9.99Sale Price